Exploring the Depth of Emotions in “The Covenant of Water” by Abraham Verghese: A Book Review

Abraham Verghese is an Indian-American physician and author who is best known for his first novel, “My Own Country”. “The Covenant of Water” was published in 1995 and was his second novel. It is a story of love, family, and the search for identity set in a small town in Ethiopia. The book is a masterpiece of storytelling, and Verghese’s writing is both poetic and powerful. In this article, we will explore the depth of emotions in “The Covenant of Water” by Abraham Verghese.

Introduction to “The Covenant of Water” by Abraham Verghese

“The Covenant of Water” is a novel that takes place during the communist revolution in Ethiopia. The story is told through the eyes of two brothers, Shiva and Marion, who were born in India but raised in Ethiopia. The book explores their relationship with each other, their family, and their country. The story is filled with love, loss, and betrayal, and is a poignant reflection on the human condition.

Plot summary and main characters

The novel begins with the birth of Shiva and Marion. They are born in a small hospital in Ethiopia, and their mother dies in childbirth. Their father, who is a doctor, is devastated by the loss of his wife and struggles to raise his sons on his own. The boys grow up in Ethiopia and are raised by their father and two Ama, or wet nurses.

Shiva and Marion are very different from each other. Shiva is quiet and introverted, while Marion is outgoing and charismatic. They both become doctors, but they have very different approaches to medicine. Shiva is a brilliant surgeon, while Marion focuses on public health. The brothers are torn apart by a love triangle involving a beautiful woman named Genet, and their relationship is never the same again.

Themes and motifs in “The Covenant of Water”

One of the central themes of “The Covenant of Water” is the search for identity. Shiva and Marion are both struggling to find their place in the world, and they are both searching for a sense of belonging. The book also explores themes of love, loss, and betrayal. The love triangle between Shiva, Marion, and Genet is a powerful and emotional storyline that drives the plot forward.

Another important motif in the book is water. Water is a symbol of life and renewal, and it is a recurring theme throughout the book. The title of the book, “The Covenant of Water”, refers to the promise of life and renewal that water represents.

Analysis of the writing style and techniques used by Verghese

Verghese’s writing style is poetic and powerful. His descriptions of Ethiopia are vivid and evocative, and his characters are richly drawn and complex. Verghese uses a variety of techniques to tell his story, including flashbacks, foreshadowing, and symbolism. His use of language is masterful, and his writing is both poignant and moving.

The significance of the title “The Covenant of Water”

The title of the book, “The Covenant of Water”, is a reference to the promise of life and renewal that water represents. In Ethiopia, water is a precious resource, and the book explores the importance of water in the lives of the people who live there. The title is also a metaphor for the promise of renewal and rebirth that is at the heart of the book.

Historical and cultural context of the book

“The Covenant of Water” is set during the communist revolution in Ethiopia, a time of great upheaval and change. Verghese’s novel explores the impact of this revolution on the lives of ordinary people, and it provides a powerful commentary on the human condition. The book also explores the cultural and historical context of Ethiopia, a country with a rich and complex history.

Criticisms and controversies surrounding the book

“The Covenant of Water” has been both praised and criticized by literary critics. Some have praised Verghese’s writing style and the depth of emotion in the book, while others have criticized the novel for being too melodramatic. There have also been controversies surrounding the portrayal of Ethiopia and its people in the book, with some accusing Verghese of perpetuating stereotypes.

Comparison with other works by Verghese

“The Covenant of Water” is often compared to Verghese’s first novel, “My Own Country”. Both books explore themes of love, loss, and identity, and both are set in the context of a changing world. However, “The Covenant of Water” is a more ambitious and complex novel, and it showcases Verghese’s growth as a writer.

Overall evaluation and recommendation

“The Covenant of Water” is a powerful and emotional novel that explores the human condition in a profound and moving way. Verghese’s writing is both poetic and powerful, and his characters are complex and well-drawn. The book is a must-read for anyone who loves literary fiction and is interested in exploring the depth of human emotions.


In conclusion, “The Covenant of Water” by Abraham Verghese is a masterpiece of storytelling that explores the complexity of human emotions in a profound and moving way. The book is a must-read for anyone who loves literary fiction and is interested in exploring the human condition. We highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a powerful and emotional reading experience.

If you haven’t read “The Covenant of Water” yet, we highly recommend that you pick it up and give it a read. You won’t be disappointed!

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